Thursday, June 2, 2011

what's the ball count?

we've been celebrating a birthday around here, this week. celebrating our youngest son.

which also means, i've been baking like a fool.

yes, i mean that literally--like a fool.

i baked two 9 inch rounds for a traditional two layer birthday cake. (i don't really like cake and i really don't like sheet cakes....sheet cakes are not festive, in my mind)

that being said, i should have baked a sheet cake.

i let the cakes cool and then began frosting them. the rounded top required a lot more frosting than i had originally figured. all frosted, i carefully covered the cake with the glass dome. i could decorate with swirly lettering after i had cut up two cantalopes and four pounds of strawberries.

this is what i found. has nothing on me.

so, then i baked two dozen cupcakes, because i really couldn't put candles in that cake. it would be overkill, right?

then yesterday i made another 48 cupcakes for our little guy's class. and now today i am baking another 48 cupcakes for his baseball team and their families.

oh, and all those little cupcakes are decorated to look like baseballs....if you do the math (i'll save you the trouble) that makes 120 baseball cupcakes.

um, i thought i didn't bake.

oh. yeah. i don't bake WELL.

that's all i've got....i hear the timer going off. sheesh, i hope it's the timer and not the fire alarm.

love and light and cake


  1. That is a WHOLE lot of cupcakes. I usually lose motivation after a dozen. You are a rockstar Mom.

  2. love your writing style! and you CAN definitely bake with love.
    happy birthday to your little one, he's so adorable just like his mom :)

  3. My mom always said, "It's all good stuff," meaning that no matter what it looked like, the ingredients were all good. Your layer cake just needed more frosting and then it would all be good. I'd totally eat it. Of course I once ate sauerkraut cake. So there's that. :)

  4. Deborah - you ARE a baker if you made 120 cupcakes! I consider myself a baker, and my cupcake-making limit is about 2 dozen cupcakes!! :) I live in Calif, so in my house, your cake would be called an "earthquake cake" and it would be devoured by all of us! So next time that happens, just tell your family "I made an earthquake cake" and they'll not only think you did it on purpose, but they'll love every bite of it!! :) So glad you are (at least for now) still sharing your insights on your blog. Chris, San Diego

  5. I don't see
    a cake wreck,
    just a lot of
    Your little guy
    is a cutie. I
    bet he loved the
    xx Suzanne
