Tuesday, March 27, 2012

the post that seems like I am writing about trees and flowers....

Sure enough, last week's pear tree looks different today. In full bloom.
But, those blooms won't last. They aren't meant to. By design the flowers will wilt and drop. New green leaves will grow in their place. There is something next. There is always something next. We need not worry about it. It will happen on it's own. With or without our worry. Changes will happen. Growing things will continue to grow. And when we lean into it, even we will grow and stretch and bloom again.
Am I even thinking about trees anymore? ;)

love and light


  1. Whatever your thinking the photos are lovely!

  2. With or without our worry. So true. Thanks for the enlightenment. :)

  3. Deb, I really needed to read this right now. The message was loud and clear. We do so much to brace ourselves, to fight against change, but if we just let go and let it happen...it can take us to new and wonderful places. Thank you! I'm finally back writing and reading again. Feels so good. Thanks for this.
