Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i am having so much fun or how i channel my inner suzy homemaker and tom sawyer....

"He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it — namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain."
--The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

just a short post today.

big red is on the road, i've the house to myself. oh the things i could do.


i started spring cleaning.

before spring starts? yep. that's me.

unfortunately i think i may be cleaning for spring 2009.


i hope to finish before autumn. that would be awesome.

peace. out.

love and light and a little soap and water

p.s. any spring time cleaning routines for you? and you want to come over hold a broom or washcloth while admiring the molding? i have many washcloths, plenty of soap, some lemons, 2 brooms. alright only the first 10 respondents will be able to participate. sorry--maybe next time;)


  1. Me, too. I already cleaned out over 500# of stuff that was dragging me down. Now to make it look like it was never here. Hope you don't have that much.

  2. Ha! I always feel like I'm Spring cleaning for last year and the year before. I have no routines when it comes to this. Our old house is a constant chore, even when it's tidy.

  3. Miss those men when they are gone and we are left to the glamour of cleaning and organizing.
    P.S. LOVE that cleaner as well as Mrs. Meyer's Basil cleaner and a steam mop. Real Simple makes to-do lists that keep me quasi-focused.
    great post!
